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                                                            CIF Netherlands invites Professionals from the Field of

Social Work  / Human Services to apply for its 24th

“Professional Exchange Program” with Special Focus on “Outreach Work”

to be held from 11 – 23 November 2012

 Applications to be received by 15 April 2012

  • CIF Netherlands invites professionals to apply for this CIF Professional Exchange Program”. This 14 day long international exchange program will be organized in close co-operation with the University of Applied Sciences, School of Social Work and Law in Amsterdam.
  • The goal of the Council of International Fellowship (CIF) is to promote professional, cultural and educational exchange for professionals working in the field of Social Work/Human Services. The program combines practical and theoretical information about the social and cultural environment of the Netherlands. Cross-cultural exchange is a crucial part of the program as participants come from different countries, thus providing opportunities for professional development, sharing and learning as well as broadening professional and personal horizons.
  • To make this an even more challenging experience, CIF Netherlands and the School of Social Work and Law have chosen a special focus for the 2012 program: “Outreach Work”. You will be introduced to theEr-op-af method” (loosely translatable as “get to it”), an example of outreach work, developed in Amsterdam in 1997. Calling themselves ‘The Flying Dutchman’, a group of social workers from HVO-Querido and the Salvation Army, worked  as ‘social fireman’, helping to prevent people from being evicted from their homes, mobilizing people to work together to solve problems in their own communities. And as important professionals learned to cooperate more effectively with other professionals and citizens. Not only to prevent eviction but also to see and hear signals from the community for all kind of trouble. It will give you a unique chance to experience both the theoretical and practical side of this approach and relate this to your own specific field of work.
  • The program is divided in a one week’s ‘general program’ for all participants which takes place in Amsterdam and a one week’s ‘individual program’ in which you are  placed in a different part of the country. Please note that during this programme you will not be able to actually work in the agencies you visit.
  • Language: The language used during the programme is English.
  • Number of Participants: CIF The Netherlands will select 6 to 10 participants.  In case applications are received for the same kind of work related experience / professional background,  we will group these participants together to maximize the opportunity to learn from the visits to the Dutch agencies as well as from each other.
  • Financial conditions: The participant’s fee is  € 350. These fees are used to cover the costs of organizing the programme. Please note that no grants can be provided to any participant.
  • Support: Accommodation will be provided for during the whole period, in the form of hostel/student housing in Amsterdam and host family living during the individual program.
  • Deadline for Applications 15 April 2012. The applications have to go through the CIF National Branch or Contact Person in your country, using the international application form. Addresses can be found on the CIF International website: http://www.cifinternational.com/organization
  • Only if there is no CIF Branch or Contact Person, you can contact CIF Netherlands directly: info@cif-netherlands.org.
  • The international application form can be downloaded from the CIF International website: http://www.cifinternational.com/programs
  • More information on CIF Netherlands you can find on www.cif-netherlands.org
  • We are looking forward to receiving the applications and making  together with you the 24th
  •  CIF Exchange Programme in the Netherlands to another great and unique experience.

General outline Exchange Program CIF Netherlands 2012



Sat. 10  November

Arrival in Amsterdam

Sunday, 11 November

Start of General program for all participants in Amsterdam

Welcome and introduction to CIF Netherlands and the school of Social Work and Law;

Information about the program and the Netherlands.

Monday 12 to Friday 16 November


General program organized by the University of Applied Sciences, School of Social Work and Law in Amsterdam. Includes introduction to the social system and to different aspects of the organization and education of the Social and Welfare Services in the Netherlands. General information as well as focus on special fields of participants, with special focus on Outreach Work; attending lectures of the Outreach working group, learning about this method, the training sessions, intervention procedures;  meeting and sharing of work experiences with students; visits to agencies. Every participant is asked to prepare a presentation on her/his country, professional background and work place and relate this to outreach work.

Weekend, 17/18 November

Change to host families in different places.

Monday 19 - Thursday  22 November

Individual program organized by Regional Coordinators.

Includes visits to agencies, sharing of work experiences.

The individual field placements and study visits are connected to the professional background of every participant. Usually there are two appointments every day.

Friday, 23 November

Evaluation of the program, Closing Ceremony and Farewell Party

Saturday, 24 November

End of program and Departure of participants


CIF stažuočių programų reikalavimai

 International Exchange Programs

The international exchange programs offer professional, cultural and educational exchange opportunities. The program combines practical and theoretical information about the social and cultural environment of the host country beside Cross-cultural exchange the participants who come from many different countries.

International Professional Exchange Programs 2012

You can still apply for professional exchange programs for this year. The list of all exchange programs and deadlines for 2012 you find here (PDF). You can find more information about exchange programs from the websites of those national branches which have a website. See National Branches and CIPUSA.

The additional information you can find also ın the following flyers:

Aotearoa/New Zealand (PDF), Argentina (PDF) (en español) (PDF), Austria (PDF), the Baltic countries (PDF), Finland and Russia (PDF), France (PDF), Greece (PDF), Israel (PDF), Italy (PDF), Nepal (PDF), Norway (PDF), Switzerland (PDF), Tanzania (PDF) and Turkey (PDF).

How to apply

Applicants are expected to have a minimum of two or three years professional experience. For more detailed eligibility requirements, length of stay, application deadlines and other details, please check the home pages of the branch or flyers above and obtain information about the application process from your National Branch (NB) or Contact Person (CP) in your country. If there is no NB/CP available, then contact directly the host country where you plan to apply for the exchange program.

  • Application form PDF, DOC
  • National Branch / Contact Person Recommendation form PDF, DOC

Components of a typical exchange program


The orientation of a program is aimed at providing a theoretical framework to understand the social, economic and cultural trends prevalent in the country with a historical perspective, building group cohesiveness, tolerance and understanding.

Experience in a multicultural group

Every participant presents work methods and intervention strategies, as well as the socioeconomic situation and cultural trends of her/his own country. This facilitates cultural exchange, cross-cultural training, and sharing of ideas and skills.

Agency Placements

Participants are placed to train in agencies related to their own specialized field, to observe and experience professional social work in the host country.

Host Family Living

Living with host families provides participants with an unique cultural experience that enriches the understanding and tolerance of diversities and develops lasting cross-cultural friendships.


Evaluation offers participants an opportunity to clarify new gained impressions, knowledge and experience, in order to assess the effectiveness of the program.



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